I would encourage you to go ahead with your ambition to obtain your Ph.D. in Psychology, preferably Abnormal Psychology, for then you would be prepared to do research and write about this all too neglected field. With best wishes,


Dr. Blanche M. Baker.

Dear Dr. Baker:

I have a homosexual problem. I heard about you through your work with ONE Magazine. I am from South Dakota and 24 years old, and a college student.

I have been aware of my homosexuality since I was 18. Last year I wrote the Mattachine Society for some help. They corresponded with me for the past year and suggested that I come to California and work during the summer holidays which I am doing now. A Mattachine counselor classified me as bisexual. This must be true because I have had crushes on both boys and girls since I was 14 years old. At times I didn't really know what I was. The Mattachine has helped me a lot and I am very grateful to them for this.

I am not promiscuous and have had only one brief affair that went beyond the necking stage. I don't like sex without love. Maybe I am a square but that's the way I feel about it. The kid I had the brief affair with is also from South Dakota. He is 21 years old and working in San Francisco for the summer. He is a college student and will be back in South Dakota this fall. He is bisexual too. I found happiness with him as I really fell hard for this kid. He likes me too but being very religious he had strong guilt feelings about it so we separated for the time being. It is not over yet between us. Since we will both be back in school this coming fall, we will see how it turns out.

I realize I cannot take up your professional time as you are a psychiatrist and must be paid for your services. I don't have much money so I welcome this column. Basically, I consider myself well-adjusted and emotionally stable. However, there is one question I would like to ask you if possible. The question concerns girls. I am not certain just how much happiness I would be able to find in relationships with my own sex in the long run. I definitely need a permanent relationship with someone. While I enjoy being with gay males, I don't think I am suited for that type of life exclusively. The last real strong crush I had on a girl was 4 years ago in college. I went with her off and on for about a year. I worshipped the ground she walked on. She was very pretty and a big flirt. I suppose she liked me but not as much as I liked her. I got emotionally hurt when it finally ended. It took several years after that before I got completely over her; she is married now.

I look for different things in a girl now such as warmth, sincerity, etc. However, I don't think it would be completely fair for me to marry an exclusively heterosexual girl. I have been thinking it over carefully for years. Somewhere there must be some bisexual girl who feels as I do about this. Such a girl would be able to understand me and I would understand her. I think that this would be the best deal for me. Would you please let me know what you think of this? The real problem is where can I find a girl like this? I know I could love a girl, but we both would have to be honest with each other. I do not want a complete lesbian because she probably would not be interested. I enjoy talking to lesbians but they wouldn't want a physical relationship.

Thanks for letting me write this out and if you can make any suggestions